We need to start recognizing privacy as a basic human right

October 10, 2023
5 min

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Wearing clothes, locking your home, sealing an envelope, creating passwords, and so many of our daily activities have one major thing in common: They’re all done to preserve our expectation of privacy.

Although the term “privacy” wasn’t included in the U.S. Constitution until 1961, the concept of “being left alone” as a right was cultivated at the inception of America. The First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendment set an initial standard by providing freedom of conscience, the right to be secure in one’s person, and the right to refuse self-incrimination.

The introduction of the internet and instant global communication drastically changed our approach to personal privacy. Every app, purchase, or online search request has us sharing so much of ourselves to get started. A name, email, phone number, or address is all someone needs to unravel one’s entire personal life...

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