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February 3, 2023
3 min

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In a time when privacy is on the tip of everyone’s tongue and new conversations are being had every day, we’re seeing an incredible movement in helping individuals take control of their data. From new innovations to government bills and a general urgency for change, it feels like there is a groundswell beginning in how consumers and businesses are treating personal data.

It’s thrilling to me because we so desperately need this innovation and commitment to continue. For too long, we’ve been giving away control of our personal information in the name of access and a resignation that sharing is simply the way it is done.

So now that we’re starting to see a real awakening around privacy, it is important that we educate ourselves on what real privacy looks like and set the bar for our expectations of the companies we’re entrusting to lead the way. The companies providing us privacy and security tools need to also be protecting us with the ways that they run their business and access our data...

To read more visit FastCompany.

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