Over 2 million records disguised

Every moment you wait, you and your family’s data remains exposed

identity thieves.
data brokers.

Enjoy the internet—safely. Cloaked protects personal information from public, private, and shady organizations.

Cloaked is available in the 🇺🇸 USA and 🇨🇦 Canada


Check if your personal info is compromised

This security check takes 30 seconds and will uncover if your identity needs protecting.

Finding records...
Sorry! Couldn't find the records.

Over 2 million identities protected

By performing the number scan, you affirm you are entering a number owned by you only. Scan is subject to Cloaked's Terms of Use and Prohibited Use Policy.

By performing the number scan, you affirm you are entering a number owned by you only. Scan is subject to Cloaked's Terms of Use and Prohibited Use Policy.

Privacy matters to us, Cloaked will never:

Have access to your information

Sell your information

Share your information with anyone

Send you marketing texts without permission

View our full privacy policy ›


Scan, remove, and disguise your identity from the internet

We offer comprehensive digital tools to protect you and insurance that covers you.

Cloaked offers comprehensive digital tools to protect you and insure you against fraud.


If my personal info is discovered, can Cloaked protect my data?

Data Removal

Data Removal

Cloaked uncovers where your data is being sold and removes it

Google, Facebook, and data brokers sell your personal information to advertisers, it’s the main source of your spam.

Why should I care that my info is online?

Identity Monitoring

Identity Monitoring

Cloaked detects if your online accounts are exposed

Hackers breach company firewalls to expose user data in large quantities—in the event of a breach we keep you informed and help you react.

More details about online breaches

Cloaked customers have been protected from these recent breaches

Accounts Breached

73 million


Accounts Breached

500 million


Accounts Breached

131 million

United Healthcare

Accounts Breached

361 million


Virtual Disguises

Virtual Disguises

We generate unique contact and payment info to disguise your personal information

Cloaked is the only comprehensive solution to avoid reusing the same contact or payment information with multiple companies.

What do you mean by “disguise”?


When companies ask for personal info, generate a Cloaked Identity

Cloaked disguises your personal info by generating a unique "identity" for each online company or account you have.

Identities disguise your "real" phone number and email without them knowing

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Ready to get started with Cloaked?
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Ready to get started with Cloaked?
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Ready to get started with Cloaked?
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Ready to get started with Cloaked?
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Ready to get started with Cloaked?
Start Free Trial
Ready to get started with Cloaked?
Start Free Trial
Ready to get started with Cloaked?
Start Free Trial
Ready to get started with Cloaked?

ID Theft Insurance

Identity Theft Insurance

If you become a victim of identity theft, you're covered

We want you to know you’re covered in an event a hacker or a company exposes you.

What’s included in Identity Theft Protection

You get $1 million in Identity Theft insurance

“I feel like Cloaked actually cares about my privacy”
Craig - Seattle, WA
“Thanks for making privacy easy”
Lou - Lee, VA
“I never need to share my phone number again, Cloaked has me covered”
Laura - Portland, OR
“My data was everywhere before Cloaked”
Michael - Richmond, VA
“I feel like Cloaked actually cares about my privacy”
Craig - Seattle, WA
“Thanks for making privacy easy”
Lou - Lee, VA
“I never need to share my phone number again, Cloaked has me covered”
Laura - Portland, OR
“My data was everywhere before Cloaked”
Michael - Richmond, VA

1. Free Security Check

If sensitive information like your SSN is uncovered, Cloaked can secure you and your family today.

We will help you remove your discovered data from the web so that your true identity is safe from hackers, data leaks, breaches, and more.


Everything you need to get started.


Full control over your privacy.

Finding records...
Sorry! Couldn't find the records.

By performing the number scan, you affirm you are entering a number owned by you only. Scan is subject to Cloaked's Terms of Use and Prohibited Use Policy.

2. Choose A Plan

With Monthly and Yearly billing cycles, you can easily choose a plan that works for you.

Our Pricing Plans

3. Get started with Cloaked

Upgrade your privacy with data removal and aliases.

Try Cloaked Now


Learn more about Cloaked

What is a password manager?
Is Cloaked End-to-End Encrypted?
Is it safe to put my data into cloaked?
What happens if Cloaked gets breached?
What if I cancel my account?
Check the help center or email us at [email protected]